How to edit submission fields in Listify WordPress theme

If you want to edit submission fields on Listify WordPress theme (these are the fields that appear on Submit Listing page), all you need to to is to use filters. Filters are used for making changes on both frontend and backend.

For example, let’s change the “Title” to “Company Name”, and for another example, make Location required:

You might ask now – where do I get the filter names? Since the theme is using WP Job Manager plugin, you can get filter names on the plugins’ GitHub page. In our example, we modified the following:

So all you have to do is to choose the array and modify any of its arguments.


Editing Job Submission Fields

  • designsonline

    where do I put these changes? in functions.php?

    • Yes, functions.php, that’s where you put filters.

  • designsonline

    Ok yes they go in functions.php I tried it….

  • designsonline

    Any idea how to make the listing regions multiple selectable like the listing categories?
    I want people to be able to select to come up in multiple regions if they wish…

  • Sean Bell

    Please I need a snippet or a solution that would allow me to
    pull images correctly into the Grid image of the listify theme.

    Currently I have images in all the listing categories that I
    chose to display on my the image grid but I’m surprised that the images cannot
    not be displayed even when the chosen taxonomy has images at random

    Please kindly visit this website- and refresh several time to see what I’m
    talking about. you would observe that all time the grid doe not return an image
    in a category but all the listings in that category has an image. Please let me
    have a solution.

    Thank you.

  • Christian Moran

    Would you know or point me to the correct direction. How could we limit submission fields for different user roles? For example user a could only submit 1, 2 submission fields and user b could submit 1,2,3,4 submission fields.

  • alex

    geolocation_lat , geolocation_long (custom field)

    how to get to the edit frontend page listing?

  • janek

    I don’t know why but I can’t change placeholder in job_title.
    My code:
    add_filter( ‘submit_job_form_fields’, ‘custom_submit_job_form_fields’ );
    function custom_submit_job_form_fields( $fields ) {
    $fields[‘job’][‘job_title’][‘label’] = “Custom label”;
    $fields[‘job’][‘job_title’][‘placeholder’] = “Doesn’t change”;
    $fields[‘job’][‘job_title’][‘description’] = “This position is OK”;
